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Lost Little Azucat

February 18, 2014


A translation years in the making. This is a completely safe for work, family friendly doujin filled with uguu~ goodness.

I’ve been on and off this project for years. I originally saw this doujin when nefly posted it on the forums I think. At the time, I edited one page just for fun. I considered doing the rest but couldn’t be bothered at the time. Then a year or so later, I did 90% of the translations since I had some free time but didn’t follow up on it past that. Finally, over a year after that, I finished up the rest of the translation and edited it. The editing was a piece of cake, but I still take forever to translate a single page.


Translation & Editing – motaku96

QC: SteelGolem

Do I need a credits page? I don’t think I do, but I put one in anyway. Since this took me so long to do.

Btw, I know the page numbers don’t match up with what’s on the page. But I didn’t want to add a blank page or count the cover as two pages, so I just left it. There’s no missing pages, that’s just how the creator did the page numbers.

Anyway, get it below.



So I noticed this is just a sample. The full book is 32pages. Here is the full book on toranoana. If I find the rest of the book online/scanned, then I’ll see about finishing it up. For now, 11 page sample is all you’ll get.

Update1: Fixed a silly grammar error SG pointed out on page 10.

Update2: Fixed a silly translation error on page 3 that changed the meaning of a sentence.

Silly = I should have seen the mistake the first time through.

2 Comments leave one →
  1. February 18, 2014 3:37 am

    This is a pretty well-done edit, if you ask me. Other than that “big sister’s” error, I can’t complain about a thing. The little touches like the tilted text and white outlining show you know what you’re doing (or can fake it well). Keep us posted if you’re going to do more translations!

    • February 18, 2014 4:02 am

      Updated links and added you as QC. :3
      I have actually worked with a real translation group before. I just don’t have the energy/time to do it regularly so I stick to personal projects.

      It’s funny how many mistakes I noticed in the translation after I finished. Oh well, if the full thing gets uploaded, maybe I’ll make the major fixes then.

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